I was very excited when I saw this month's challenge. A one layer card is very much up my alley as my style is definitely CAS. The only hitch - stamping. I have never really tried my hand at it. Been too scared; though I love to ogle at all the beautiful creations that other bloggers post. But this time I decided to do it, no matter what. And the result is:
The card base is white, sourced locally. Background was created using Faber Castell watercolor pencils. I used a scrap piece of paper to create a circular mask.
Since I do not have many ink pads, I used the technique demonstrated by Gina K for a CAS Sympathy Card on Stamp TV. I just used some sketch pens that my daughter has and they worked wonderfully! The stamps are from a set by Micia which I had bought from Lulupu ages ago. I stamped the grass stamp four times at various heights to add some interest.
The card stock I used has a subtle vertical line running through it. So I ran the card stock through my Big Shot with a thick strip of mount board placed where I wanted the sentiment to be.
I finished the card by painting a thick outline in Hobby Ideas Metallic Gold acrylic paint around the circle. Overall a simple card. Yet I am quite pleased with the end result. I also feel a bit more confident about using stamps as well as watercolor pencils. Love, Nan
Hi! Back again with another challenge entry. The challenges at Beyond Grey and Catchy Challenges really got my creative juices flowing! So here is another entry for Beyond Grey's BGC #27 - Fetch That Sketch
This time round I decided to make a quilted card, out of all the scraps of paper that I cannot bear to throw away.
The card size is 6 x 6 inches. I have used dark coffee brown card stock as the base. Other papers are a mix of handmade and pattern papers.
After I finished the card top with zigzag stitching, it reminded me of a small baby blanket. So I decided to make it into a baby card. Hence the baby feet on the tag. Originally, I had planned to stamp a sentiment welcoming the new baby. But I feel the cute little feet say it all. Now I am thinking of making similar cards in other color combinations. Love, Nan
Hi! I have become quite obsessed with teabag folding recently. Initially I was reluctant to try my hand at it. All those little pieces of paper seemed too intimidating! But now I find it very interesting. When I saw the sketch challenge by Beyond Grey, I was very excited.
I decided to combine it with the colour challenge by Catchy Challenges.
The card size is 5 x 6 inches. I have used handmade paper in dark blue and white, both sourced locally. The pattern paper is from Itsy Bitsy. I embossed the dark blue paper with the embossing folder Leaves, from Itsy Bitsy. I sketched the stem on the white paper and cut it with a craft knife and also rounded the corners with a corner rounder.
After layering the papers, I added the flower which was made using 8 circles cut from double sided paper. The fold I used is the classic Dahlia fold. Some small pearls made up the flower center (my daughter's recommendation).
One of the things I like about teabag folding is how 3 dimensional the end result is.
Finally, the sentiment was hand written by my husband with a brown sketch pen. I refused to use my own handwriting; it is quite terrible.
I think this was one of the quickest cards I made in a long time. And I am quite happy with the end result. Love, Nan P.S. Also entering the following challenges: Inspired By...#67 Crafty Boots Challenge
I was doing a bit of spring cleaning in my PC and came across some digital scrap book layouts that I had done last year. I was almost due then and did not want to take up anything new. So I decided to use up the time to teach myself scrapbooking. Some of the layouts I ended up posting on my FB page. I thought I will also post them on my blog now.
All the papers and elements I have used are freebies that have been downloaded from the internet. This was the first layout I ever did. And had so much fun doing it that I had to make more!
This layout was for a sketch challenge, I don't remember which.
The day we brought our Nano home...
A memorable trip to Cape Town and probably the most memorable day of the trip!
First time I specifically took pics to make a layout...
I must make a special mention of Kristina Werner of kwernerdesign. She has been a huge inspiration. I am a total fan of her technique videos (and so is my daughter!). Most of what I have learnt has been through her videos on the Basic Grey website. So thanx a ton Kristina and Basic Grey! Thats all for tonight. I will post more layouts soon. Hope you guys enjoyed them. Love, Nan
Hi! Back again after a break. I have been busy crafting and haven't found the time to actually sit and post the pics. So expect some quick posts now! I put in my name for the swap at Swap Central India. I must say those girls come up with some really interesting challenges. This swap involved making four note cards each with five different types of folds. The twist? Each card has to be 4 x 4 inches only. I had so much fun doing this! And learnt loads. Just waiting till I can share all the pics here. Anyways, I decided to take a break from card making for a day. I stumbled across this cool origami tutorial by Tweety Atelier and decided to give it a try. The result is:
Though the instructions are in a different language, the picture instructions are so good that the project came together in a snap. Here is the close up
I have used some pattern paper in peach with a silver gray print which I picked up at a local shop. The finished size is 11 x 11 inches. Other than two square pieces of paper this frame doesn't need anything. A great project that comes together quickly. This has definitely whetted my appetite for learning origami! Love, Nan